Sunday, December 3, 2006

Army, here I come!

Soon, I would have to enter the army. That 'soon', to be more precise, is the 26th of January 2007.

Initially, I was totally against the army. I heard so many horrible things about it and also many people shared the same sentiments with me. There were many death cases and I heard rumors that many more were secretly covered up! What utter and deep hate I felt towards the SAF then!

But many instances occured that caused me not to loath the army and entering it.

Firstly, after I had my medical checkup, my physical ranking was given a PES C2L2, meaning that I do not have to do any marching or running. Yay! Or at least I hope the officers do not abuse me and make me do things that I really am unable to do. Sigh! I'll be sure to complain a lot if such occurances happen.

Secondly, my posting date is after my birthday, which falls on the 20th of January. Hence I will be able to celebrate my 19th birthday before I enter the army. Presently, I have already started to plan a birthday party for myself! Haha! It would be horrible and unthinkable to have to celebrate my birthday in army camp doing tons and tons of strenuous physical activities. Thank goodness!

And lastly, I figured that rumors may just be rumors and not true. Deaths are definately inevitable, especially in such a dangerous environment. What I would just have to do is to follow instuctions with much precision and also take much care and precission. Furthermore, all my friends whom I know who are either in the army or already have finished his two years seem to be fine and sane. Although some are a tad bit unhappy with the severe inflexibilities.

All in all, I'll just take things in my stride and soon before I know it, it'll all be over! Gone for good!

In the meantime, I'll enjoy myself as much as possible before that day where my freedom is robbed of me. I would gladly accept any advice on how to survive in the army! Cheers!

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